Friday, February 6, 2009

Choosing a wedding photographer

How to Choose a Wedding Photographer

Don't select by price alone
The most common mistake is most definitely in selecting a photographer solely based on the price paid. It seems as if PRICE is usually the main determining factor, even though there's NEVER going to be a second chance. Nor has there ever been anything written that gives you, the bride, a true guideline as to how to select the one person who could supply you with a heart full of memories to last a lifetime.
The phrase "you get what you pay for" is very true when it comes to artistic professions such as photography and videography. When you simply go with the lowest bidder in photography, you are generally selecting someone who is either (A) inexperienced, (B) not confident enough in their own work to put a higher value on it, (C) not in high demand, or (D) cuts corners on quality of products or amount of time they will devote to you.

Recommendation of friends
The bride can get an idea about the competency of the wedding photographer through a recommendation from someone whose opinion she trusts. If she has more than one recommendation, that's even better - especially if the same photographer's name comes from different sources.

Find out the name of the photographer who would be doing the actual pictures at your wedding, and at least a rough estimate of the costs involved. You should find out what style of photography the wedding photographer is most comfortable with. Ask this of the photographer before you tell him or her what style of photography you like. Then make an appointment with the photographer to see his work and discuss the details. Without doubt, this meeting should include both the bride and groom.

At that meeting the first assessment you should make is whether or not you feel comfortable in the presence of the photographer. If you're going to spend a good part of the most important day of your life with this person, it should be someone with whom you know you'll enjoy sharing that time. Then, I feel that you should see some of the photographer's work. If you see a picture, or a series of pictures, that you really like, you should ask:

1. Who are these people?

2. Did you, personally, take these photographs?

3. May I call these people for a personal reference?

After all, it's one thing to see some beautiful pictures, but it's equally important to find out if the bride and groom ENJOYED working with this photographer. It's also a way of knowing that the photographs you're being shown were actually made by the person you're speaking to. You want to be sure that the work you're admiring was made by the photographer who'll be at your wedding.

Another result of this meeting could be to allow you and your photographer to begin a one-on-one relationship. In that way, neither of you would be strangers to each other on the day of the wedding and you'll be more relaxed in front of the camera.

If you're still interested in the photographer's services at this point, I'd ask to see a complete coverage of a single wedding. That's a lot more important than seeing a selection of beautiful highlights from many different weddings.

More on this later....

Getting married in Peoria? Check out my wedding website!

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